The examples presented in the paper can be loaded using the Example link in the upper right corner.
- Press the green Run button in the title bar to execute a loaded example.
- The Trace editor in the upper left contains the input trace.
- The Specification editor in the upper right contains the specification.
- The Status and Compiler Output view in the lower left contains compilation and runtime errors if any occurred.
- The TeSSLa Output log in the lower right shows the output trace. Try clicking on TeSSLa Visualization to get a visual representation of the output trace instead.
An introduction to the TeSSLa language can be found on the official TeSSLa website.
We are using TeSSLa 0.6.5-SNAPSHOT available on the official TeSSLa website. You can download all the example specifications and traces available in this web IDE and use them offline, too. Further, you can download the scripts used for the empirical evaluation presented in the paper.